Expressionism Essays

  • Expressionism

    856 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Expressionists What do we mean by Expressionism? Expressionism is when a person or a group of people portray their feelings and emotions over a particular matter in such a way that their message is delivered across. Whether this is in the form of singing/dancing, art, acting, debating or by physical methods. We say that they are expressing their feelings. When they are expressing their feelings, you can clearly see the look on one’s face which can explain the way they are feeling

  • Origins of Expressionism

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    Origins of Expressionism Exhibited in The Moon and Sixpence by Somerset Maugham, Expressionism differed greatly from its predecessor, Impressionism. Unlike Impressionism, Expressionism’s “goals were not to reproduce the impression suggested by the surrounding world, but to strongly impose the artist's own sensibility to the world's representation” (Web museum 1). In Expressionism, “the artist seeks to depict not objective reality but rather the subjective emotions and responses that objects

  • German Expressionism In German Expressionism

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    (1922), and F.W. Murnau’s Expressionistic-Kammerspielfilm, Der letzte Mann (The Last Laugh) (1924), a range of audience-broadening experiments are taken within silent film; rooted in the up rise of German expressionism, socio-political horrors of post-war Germany are exploited in

  • Expressionism In Metamorphosis

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    Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis is similar to Expressionism in many ways, German Expressionism and Kafka’s story distorts reality and shows that there is another meaning underneath what the painting or story is. Throughout The Metamorphosis, Gregor goes through many stages of isolation from his family and he starts to lose touch with humanity because of it but in the end he helped his family by his transformation. Kafka’s story relates to German Expressionism because many paintings during this era have

  • Cubism & Expressionism

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    be comparing the expressionist art movement with the cubist art movement. I will discuss some of the artists that made these movements a stepping-stone for the other movement that followed. I will look at Picasso and Kandinsky to name a couple. Expressionism, which began in 1905, was the term used for early 20th century art that conveyed emotional and spiritual preoccupations of the artist, using a variety of styles and subject matter (Arnason 124). These expressionist artists built on techniques of

  • Abstract Expressionism

    1102 Words  | 3 Pages

    abstract expressionism It was a full 170 years after Americans had their political revolution that they won an aesthetic revolution. American art to get rid of its inhibiting mechanisms- provincialism, over-dependence on European sources, and an indifferent public- and liberate itself into a quality and expressive force equal to, or exceeding that of art produced anywhere within the period. Few would argue that the painting and sculpture that emerged from the so-called New York School in the

  • Abstract Expressionism

    1476 Words  | 3 Pages

    Abstract Expressionism Abstract Expressionism started in America as a post World War II art movement. It was the first art movement that arose from America and put New York at the center of the art world. The term Abstract Expressionism was first applied to American art in 1946 by art critic Robert Coates. It is most commanly said that Surealism is it’s predecessor because of the use of spontaneous, automatic and subconscious creations. Abstract Expressionism gets its name from the combining

  • Abstract Expressionism

    1808 Words  | 4 Pages

    Abstract Expressionism "New needs need new techniques. And the modern artists have found new ways and new means of making their statements ... the modern painter cannot express this age, the airplane, the atom bomb, the radio, in the old forms of the Renaissance or of any other past culture." Jackson Pollock Rarely has such a massive transfer of influence has ever touched the world as did in the Paris to New York shift of the 1940's and 1950's. All of the characters of American art were

  • Abstract Expressionism

    1363 Words  | 3 Pages

    Abstract Expressionism is making its comeback within the art world. Coined as an artist movement in the 1940’s and 1950’s, at the New York School, American Abstract Expressionist began to express many ideas relevant to humanity and the world around human civilization. However, the subject matters, contributing to artists, were not meant to represent the ever-changing world around them. Rather, how the world around them affected the artist themselves. The works swayed by such worldly influences

  • History Of German Expressionism

    617 Words  | 2 Pages

    The German Expressionism was a period that came following the devastation of World War I, it came when the people of Germany needed something to claim as their own. The expressionism movement gave Germany just that; it helped them not only in the filmmaking industry, but also in their personal lives. The German Expressionism changed the way we look at and view films. The German Expressionism altered, for the better, the way that films were made back then and the way that they are made today. The

  • Abstract Expressionism In America

    554 Words  | 2 Pages

    Abstract Expressionism is defined as “an artistic movement of the mid-20th century comprising diverse styles and techniques and emphasizing especially an artist's liberty to convey attitudes and emotions through nontraditional and usually nonrepresentational means” (Merriam-webster). Abstract expressionism is the first are movement of America and it is one of the most diverse movements. A few of the leading artist of this movement were Mark Rothko, Robert Motherwell, Barnett Newman, and Jackson Pollock

  • Analysis of Nudity in German Expressionism

    1720 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cubism and its representation of an object from all angles led German Expressionism to find the essence of subject from more than one approach. The French theoretician and critic Roger de Piles described ‘expression’ in 1708: “la pensée du cœur humain” – the thought of the human heart. He explained what the German painters 200 years on would embody. This essay attempts to contextualize the nakedness of the body in German Expressionism, through the analysis of three works and their influencing historical

  • German Expressionism and Dadaism

    843 Words  | 2 Pages

    German Expressionism and Dadaism Introduction Revolutionary forms of art have dominated much of Germany, apparently as a reaction to the First World War. The era in which the First World War took place – throughout the 1910s, featured artists coming together against what they think the pointless aggression said major conflict brought. German artists, in particular, protested against the social structures prevalent during the 1910s, within which the social structures of the Second Reich were prevalent

  • German Expressionism In Sleepy Hollow

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    one of the most recognizable examples of modern expressionism that takes inspiration from German films of the twenties. Many of the characteristics associated with German Expressionism are utilized in this movie. It shares the same thematics as many German Expressionist films. In the film the use of abstract sets and lighting is crucial to the tone of the film. The themes of fear, science and supernatural are also reminiscent of German Expressionism films, especially The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari where

  • German Expressionism: Art And Graffiti

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    millions of years down the line Graffiti replaces these cave drawings but essentially creates the same purpose, to express our deepest emotions as artists. German Expressionism is an artistic movement that rose from the smouldering ashes of World War |. This movement would change the film industry and it's approach to filmmaking. Expressionism was a response to a widespread anxiety about humanities increasing discordant relationship with the world. During this time the German nation had been virtually

  • German Expressionism In World War 1

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    the world was presented in a distorted and jagged way. For most art in the era of Expressionism, corruption and destruction of society became the main narrative. Although this is conveyed as the ‘reality’ of the world, Rudolf Kurtz (1926, p. 13) states “Expressionism does not represent the object’s tangible reality: it is concerned with a fundamentally different plane of existence”. This explains that, Expressionism deals with new/ fantasy worlds created as an exaggerated reflection of the real world

  • Expressionism In Frankenstein Book Cover, By Lynd Ward

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    EXPRESSIONISM Expressionism started as a way to push out the ideas of impressionist art. The art movement focused on the “impression” of emotion instead of an actual historic representation. Expressionism can often be described as “an artistic style in which the artist attempts to depict not objective reality but rather the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in him” ( There is a strong and consistent use of wide brush strokes, abstract scenes, vibrant

  • The Influence Of German Expressionism In Film

    697 Words  | 2 Pages

    German expressionism is defined as a number of related creative movements that started in Germany before the first world war that spiked in Berlin during the 1920s. German Expressionism was an era of when films reflected the grim reality of life during that time. Even though German Expressionist films were mostly prevalent in the 1920s, the style that it introduced influenced many directors and films, including many movies we see in cinemas today. One of the most well known film directors of Hollywood

  • Abstract Expressionism Essay

    931 Words  | 2 Pages

    In The beginning, Abstract expressionism came upon at an earlier time than Pop art. During this time Abstract Expressionism was well-defined because this art didn’t have any clear view of any objects or people.Abstract Expressionist looked at paintings as paint and not as people. They also came to conclusion that when creating a type of art in a certain field, that you should only focus on the field that you created. The ending results were not determined by the artist it was to be viewed and discussed

  • The Similarities Between German Expressionism And Film

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    feelings of the German people in World War l, German Expressionism became an universal movement that influenced film noir and comic books films like Sin City. After being ravaged by World War 1, a failing economy, and no strong political power, German Expressionists directors film felt disillusioned with reality and the world around them. As a result they made films that looked warped and distorted and were extremely surreal. The German Expressionism was a expressionistic film style, where the aesthetics