Valley Forge Dbq Analysis

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The Diction is Yours

Imaging pain that is unbelievable, screaming, cold weather, and sickness. this is Valley Forge. Valley forge is a village, but us American soldiers came here to campout the winter and watch the British. We got here a week before Christmas. George Washington is the commander of the army. There are 1,200 soldiers at valley Forge when we entered. Would You Quit. “Quit” means to desert or leave and never to come back or not to reenlist. I have decided to stay for three reasons which are I could help the soldier, they need more men to win the war, and the congressmen are helping us.

The first reason I will re-enlist is I could help the soldiers and I could lift their spirit up. The healthy hitherto begins to grow sickly and there very depressed from the continued fatigue. “I am sick discontented and out of humor. Vomit half my time.” ( Dr. Waldo) ( Doc C). As you can see that he is a little depressed so I will help him by keeping my spirit cheerful and give them motivation speeches to help and tell them good things and not bad news. This reason is causing me to reenlist because there getting depressed and I could help them try to get less depressed and the doctors are tired so I can try to lift their spirits as well. Like Thomas Paine wrote these are times that try men’s souls.(Thomas Paine Doc D) …show more content…

On December 1777 there were 12000 soldiers and at most 10 soldiers die every day and I would want to stay because there shortage of soldiers. Now in February we have 8,000 men. See how many men we have lost since December. Then in December there were 2,898 were sick and now in February there were 3,989 were sick. This shows how many men are getting sick in this little bit of time. (Doc A) This reason is causing me to re-enlist because they need more men to help with

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