Vaccination Argumentative Essay

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When looking at their history, vaccinations have long been regarded as a way to combat certain diseases. Today, however, vaccines are a topic of tremendous debate in the world of medical research. While some authorities support the use of vaccines, others stand in firm negation. By looking at the articles, “The Vaccine Debate” and “Issue Overview: Vaccines”, the reader can reach an understanding of both sides of this argument. After reading these articles, one can educate themselves on both the positives and negatives of vaccinations. Many experts in the medical world support the use of vaccinations as a method for prevention of diseases. The article “Issue Overview: Vaccines” reports that “The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends …show more content…

An example of this is explained in the article, “Issue Overview: Vaccines” when it states, “Wakefield claimed his study proved that the vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella can cause autism.” Despite the fact that this claim was later disproved, many people still believed that this vaccine can cause autism. These fears are still present today, causing many people to not vaccinate their children. More cause for concern can be seen in “Issue Overview: Vaccines” when the passage reports, “... In some cases the chickenpox vaccine can cause pneumonia, meningitis or hepatitis.” This evidence suggests that even though vaccines may not cause autism, they can still cause negative side effects. This is why some professionals warn against vaccines. In another claim against vaccines is seen in “The Vaccine Debate”. In this, they write, “A child who has had an organ transplant, has HIV, or fr some other reason has a compromised immune system, should not get a live vaccine.” By stating this, they give the reader a sense of the risk associated with receiving a vaccine. Because of reasons like these, many specialists warn against the use of vaccines as a means of combating

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