Unworthy Ally Argumentative Analysis

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Pakistan and America have one of the strangest allies. It is a delicate relationship built on paying big bucks for protection and security. “For instance, U.S. lawmakers should not be surprised that billions of dollars in development assistance over the past decade failed to win Pakistani “hearts and minds,”” (Markey, 2) Pakistan is a friend to the United States to the extent that they keep the lid on the box of nuclear armaments. The Cartoon in in the Unworthy Ally article on page two really does depict the strangeness of this relationship. The Title “Unworthy Ally” really does portray the strange relationship of the U.S. with a historically terror breading ground and historic enemies of another one of the allies of the U.S. which is India. …show more content…

supply the very things intended for defense when they know they will be used to destroy their other friend who is helping them defend against China. It is also interesting to note that the who relationship is rather fishy as “President Richard Nixon bent U.S. law to authorize military aid even as American officials understood that Pakistan was committing genocide against ethnic Bengalis in East Pakistan.” (An Unworthy Ally) Again the U.S. is basically hiring Pakistan to keep peace. This however has not been the case at the heart of the matter. For example, the heart of Pakistan is revealed by this quote; “While India and China have persistently adopted assured retaliation postures, Pakistan switched form an explicitly catalytic posture between 1986 and 1998 to an aggressive asymmetric escalation posture that threatens the first use of nuclear weapons against Indian forces[.]”(Narang,1) China is also not out of the picture.

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