Nancy Fraser Argumentative Analysis

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In her argument centered on how emancipatory movements have been plagued by the politics of ‘redistribution’ and the politics of ‘recognition’, Nancy Fraser is specifically referring to the manner by which cultural recognition and socioeconomic redistribution may displace one another as a remedy for injustice. In order to thoroughly examine this dilemma Fraser analytically distinguishes the different logics behind ‘redistribution’ and ‘reconstruction’. From her extensive analysis Fraser develops two broad remedies that can cut across the redistribution-reconstruction divide. Fraser dubs her proposed remedies as “affirmation” and “transformation”. In order to effectively conceptualize Fraser’s argument and proposed remedies, her contributions must be situated into the context of current political predicaments (i.e. racism and gender). For the purposes of this paper, Fraser’s contributions will be …show more content…

More specifically, within an Anglo-Saxon, patriarchal society women’s contribution in the work place and any cultural traits that may be dubbed as feminine are devalued and perceived as being inferior. Resulting from this economic and cultural oppression of women are issues such as a male dominated market place and the objectification of women in society. These issues may then lead to grandiose issues such as women’s dependence on men and domestic violence. In order to solve the problems derived from gender, it is essential to appropriately address the bivalent character of gender, political-economic oppression and cultural-devaluation. However, solving issues of political-economic oppression and cultural-devaluation within the context of gender is difficult because the two do not intertwine to support one another

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