Unrealistic Body Standards Essay

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Many teens today are faced with unrealistic body standards. Social media has an huge influence on how teens see their body. They may see a model or their favorite celebrity and ask themselves why don't they look like that, or how can they look like that. These body standards can cause some to body shame others. As social media continues to deem what is attractive and what is not, the number of women dissatisfied with their body will increase. Getting the right body can be done in a number of different ways. One of the ways that social media has induced upon many girls is the wearing of corsets. During the Victoria Era, a full-figured look with a tiny waist is fashionable for women. To achieve this look, women wore whalebone and steel corsets, which caused a variety of health problems, including difficulty breathing (ProQuest Staff). Another way to achieve the right body is to go under the knife. Women tend to go under the knife to either slim the waist by taking off the extra fat, enhance their breasts, slim their nose and …show more content…

They can even cause death,"(Becker). One disorder that many see everyday is anorexia nervosa, the disorder of not eating for a long time or barely at all. This can have many health risks that can even cause death. Anorexia in young children and the average of people who have it are at very high numbers of 42% and rising. Another disorder that often flies under the radar is bulimia. People with bulimia typically binge eat, which is the consumption large quantities of food in a short amount of time, and then take steps to avoid weight gain. Usually these steps include purging or better known as vomiting, though this could also mean excessive exercising and fasting. This can lead to multiple health issues such as tooth decay, swollen gums, gum disease, and more. Plus with an electrolyte imbalance and changes in metabolism it can cause heart problems and even

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