Unit 5 Health And Social Care Essay

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113 Older Adults participated in focus groups where they discussed their use of and attitudes about technology in their home, work, and health care environments. The older adult’s reported significantly more positive attitudes than negative attitudes. Positive attitude were defined as “likes” and negative attitudes were defined as “dislikes”. Positive attitudes were due to how well technology “supported activities, enhanced convenience, and contained useful features.” Negative attitudes were due to what degree the technology “created inconveniences, unhelpful features, and security and reliability concerns.” The results support three notions. First, older adults view the benefits of technology are greater than the costs. Second, they do not support older adult stereotypes relating to their inability to use and fear of technology. Third, in models of technology acceptance, they outline the vital roles of “use and ease of use”. The “digital divide” is the contrast between those who accept new technology and those who do not. According to the article, any product or service that is digital or electronic is known as technology. In order to predict the usage of technology we must understand the factors that affect the acceptance of technology in older adults. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) defined …show more content…

Then they attended a focus group meeting where they consented to participate in the study. They were paid $25. They were made aware of the article’s goals and rules. Technology use was discussed in relation to two out of the three possible domains within each group. Each discussion was introduced with an icebreaker. There was a five minute break between the first domain discussion and the Background questionnaire. Then the second domain was discussed followed by another five minute break. After the participants were given the Technology Experience Questionnaire. Discussions were audio recorder and

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