Undocumented Immigration

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According to Solmaz Barazesh, The U.S Census is used to record the diverse population of the United States, so communities will be accurately represented in the government and receive their fair share in public funds. For public funding, lawmakers benefit greatly by knowing the number of people in a certain demographic. For example, Professor De Jong, professor of sociology and demography at Penn State’s population Research Institute, says that a Census Bureau survey assisted him when he helped to start the Children’s Health Insurance Program located in Pennsylvania (Barazesh). His program “had to know how many children in the state were uninsured­­­—and the best way to get an accurate, trustworthy source of that information was from a Census …show more content…

According to the writer of “Undocumented Immigrants,” Illegal immigrants have portrayed an untrue generalization for those who come and stay in the U.S by judicial means. Whether by crossing Mexico and the United States’ “2,000-mile border,” entering into the U.S with fake paperwork, or coming into the United States with an acceptable ID but remaining in the U.S longer than the time allotted, Illegal immigrants have represented immigrants, in general, as people a government would not want between its lines (“Undocumented Immigrants”). Therefore, the belligerent behavior of illegal immigrants attest to the reason why naysayers bash illegal immigrants for negatively changing the persona of the United States even though “illegal immigrants only make up about 5 percent of the U.S. work force” ( Katel). This disgraceful reputation that illegal immigrants have planted has reaped a stern, sometimes unjust, hand from the U.S government. For example, in “Undocumented Immigrants,” Arizona’s government might have crossed the line, when their former Governor Jan Brewer enacted the Arizona Senate Bill 1070, which gave police the free reins to request for the legal paperwork of someone who merely seems to be an illegal immigrant. Justifiably, this law received backlash due to it invoking stereotypes of illegal immigrants; however, the government, in this case and in general, is simply doing its flawed best at confronting the chaotic issue of illegal immigrants (“Undocumented Immigrants”). Eliminating illegal immigrants from the 2020 U.S Census attacks the fort of illegal immigrants by reducing their representation, reducing their

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