Undocumented Immigrants Essay

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Should undocumented immigrants be granted a path to citizenship? Immigration happens since the beginning of the human bean. Some of the causes for immigration are poverty, armed conflict, social strife, political turmoil, economic hardships, and more. Immigrants started coming in to the United States since the first European settlements from around 1600. Beginning around this time, British and other Europeans settled primarily on the east coast. Later Africans were imported as slaves, and later many waves of immigration hit The New World from many different countries around the world. Immigrants who came two centuries ago didn’t struggle with papers issues but after 1900’s they confront an important issue “the privilege to be in this country and have permanent residence or citizenship. Every day people come to the United States because this is the country of opportunity and where dreams are possible. There are some reasons that pointed the importance of the legalization of eleven million of immigrants in the U.S. The Federal Government will earn money for every undocumented person who wants to apply for permanent residence. Immigrants will make more investments and create more business, and also, they will perform works that people who born in America don’t want to perform. …show more content…

Every year come more people to this land following the American Dream, but they don’t realize that this one is only possible when they have legal documentation. The USCIS agency rise fees applications every year. For example, in the USCIS website showed the requirements to apply for permanent residence. They ask for around 1400 USD for application. Putting this in a mathematical language; multiply 11.4 millions immigrants by 1400 USD, and the results will be 1596 million dollars. This money will be useful to create educational programs that support poor communities and open new

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