Understanding Black Holes

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Understanding Black Holes

A Black hole is a theorized celestial body whose surface gravity is so strong that

nothing, including light, can escape from within it's surface. Gravity is the key to a

black hole's immense power. The black hole's strong gravity keeps captured material

from escaping. For example, if Earth were the same mass it is now but had only

one-fourth its present radius, the escape velocity of someone standing on its surface

would be twice what it is now. Black holes have a power far greater than our minds

can imagine. This report will go into further discussion on these massive holes in space.

Now, though, astronomers have uncovered a much better candidate for a black hole

in our galaxy. It lies in the constellation Monoceros some three or four thousand

light-years away. Monoceros was discovered in 1975, when it emitted a shower of

light and x-rays. Observations soon revealed that Monoceros was a binary consisting

of an orange dwarf star and a dark companion. Astronomers continue to observe the

object and other black holes like it. Despite its name, A0620-00, it is a better

candidate for a black hole than Cygnus X-1.(Croswell 30-37)

As I said before, gravity is the key for a black hole’s immense power. The black

holes strong gravity keeps captured material from escaping. Of course, every moon,

planet, and star has gravity. Earth has enough gravity that you have to travel faster

than 11 kilometers per second to overcome the force of gravity. This number is

Earth’s escape velocity. The gravity of Jupiter is even stronger: it’s escape velocity

is 60 kilometers per second. A black h...

... middle of paper ...

...d is still far from unlocking the mind-boggling mystery of black holes.


Works Cited

Asimov, Isaac. “Black Holes.” Grolier Electronic Publishing.

1993 ed. 255

“Black Holes.” The World Book Encyclopaedia. 1994 ed.

Cowen, Ron. “New Spin on Making a Black Hole.”

Science News. 6 Feb. 1993: 86

Croswell, Ken. “The Best Black Hole in the Galaxy.”

SIRS Researcher. Jan. 1992: 30-37

Dye, Lee. “Evidence of Massive Black Hole Discovered by

Astronomers.” SIRS Researcher. 1995: A3+

Levitt, I. M. “Beyond the Known Universe.” New York:

New York City, 1974

Powell, Corey. “A Black Hole is Identified in the Core of the

Galaxy.” Scientific American. August 1991: 12

Sawyer, Kathy. “Is a Black Hole Eating the Milky Way?”

SIRS Researcher. Mar. 1990: 38

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