Understanding Black Holes
A Black hole is a theorized celestial body whose surface gravity is so strong that
nothing, including light, can escape from within it's surface. Gravity is the key to a
black hole's immense power. The black hole's strong gravity keeps captured material
from escaping. For example, if Earth were the same mass it is now but had only
one-fourth its present radius, the escape velocity of someone standing on its surface
would be twice what it is now. Black holes have a power far greater than our minds
can imagine. This report will go into further discussion on these massive holes in space.
Now, though, astronomers have uncovered a much better candidate for a black hole
in our galaxy. It lies in the constellation Monoceros some three or four thousand
light-years away. Monoceros was discovered in 1975, when it emitted a shower of
light and x-rays. Observations soon revealed that Monoceros was a binary consisting
of an orange dwarf star and a dark companion. Astronomers continue to observe the
object and other black holes like it. Despite its name, A0620-00, it is a better
candidate for a black hole than Cygnus X-1.(Croswell 30-37)
As I said before, gravity is the key for a black hole’s immense power. The black
holes strong gravity keeps captured material from escaping. Of course, every moon,
planet, and star has gravity. Earth has enough gravity that you have to travel faster
than 11 kilometers per second to overcome the force of gravity. This number is
Earth’s escape velocity. The gravity of Jupiter is even stronger: it’s escape velocity
is 60 kilometers per second. A black h...
... middle of paper ...
...d is still far from unlocking the mind-boggling mystery of black holes.
Works Cited
Asimov, Isaac. “Black Holes.” Grolier Electronic Publishing.
1993 ed. 255
“Black Holes.” The World Book Encyclopaedia. 1994 ed.
Cowen, Ron. “New Spin on Making a Black Hole.”
Science News. 6 Feb. 1993: 86
Croswell, Ken. “The Best Black Hole in the Galaxy.”
SIRS Researcher. Jan. 1992: 30-37
Dye, Lee. “Evidence of Massive Black Hole Discovered by
Astronomers.” SIRS Researcher. 1995: A3+
Levitt, I. M. “Beyond the Known Universe.” New York:
New York City, 1974
Powell, Corey. “A Black Hole is Identified in the Core of the
Galaxy.” Scientific American. August 1991: 12
Sawyer, Kathy. “Is a Black Hole Eating the Milky Way?”
SIRS Researcher. Mar. 1990: 38
Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries explains about his ability to blend content, accessibility, and humor, Tyson is a natural teacher who simplifies some of the most complex concepts in astrophysics
The origins of the super-massive black holes which concludes how they were formed and what caused them to form is an unsolved problem which is yet a mystery of astrophysics. ( Millis 2014)
And at the end of its life, it will become unstable and suddenly release all of its mass in a big bang...
There is evidence that supports the hypothesis that the Milky Way Galaxy has a massive black hole at its core. At the center of our very own galaxy is a mysterious source of energy. Vast amounts of radiation pour from this compact source which may be a Supermassive Black Hole. Astronomers found an intense radio source with strings of other radio sources clustered about it in the direction of the galactic center. The intense source was named Sagittarius A because the center of the galaxy lies in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. The position of Sagittarius A as has been observed through radio telescopes around the world seems to be very near the dynamical and gravitational center of the galaxy. Based on its high luminosity and radio spectrum Sagittarius A is neither a star nor a pulsar. It has a luminosity of 5 stars but is smaller than our solar system. Also, it can’t be a supernova remnant since it is not expanding. The strongest evidence that it is a Supermassive Black Hole come...
Just recently a major discovery was found with the help of a device known as The Hubble Telescope. This telescope has just recently found what many astronomers believe to be a black hole, After being focuses on a star orbiting empty space. Several pictures of various radiation fluctuations and other diverse types of readings that could be read from that area which the black hole is suspected to be in.
Black Holes Black holes are objects so dense that not even light can escape their gravity, and since nothing can travel faster than light, nothing can escape from inside a black hole. Loosely speaking, a black hole is a region of space that has so much mass concentrated in it that there is no way for a nearby object to escape its gravitational pull. Since our best theory of gravity at the moment is Einstein's general theory of relativity, we have to delve into some of the results of this theory to understand black holes in detail, by thinking about gravity under fairly simple circumstances. Suppose you are standing on the surface of a planet. You throw a rock straight into the air.
Imagine traveling to the very core of our Milky Way galaxy. What would you see? You would see millions of stars littering the night sky. And on the horizon a strange black sphere emerges. It’s a black hole. An object so dense that not even light can escape it. However, it isn’t the only one out there. Black holes are one of the most mysterious objects in our known universe. This topic has been argued for decades, when Albert Einstein first predicted black holes in 1916. Many astronomers proposed theories about black holes, to black holes being a wormhole, to black holes being the very reason to our existence.
In our everyday lives, there are a multitude of forces acting on and upon us all the time. One fundamental force is gravity. Gravity (also known as gravitational force) is the force of attraction. Every object in the world that has mass exerts a pull-otherwise known as force, on other mass ["Forces of Attraction."]. Gravitational pull increases and decreases depending on the amount of mass, and how close objects are. ["Weight, Mass and Gravity."] [See Fig 1.]. In this way, gravity has played a large part in contributing to the creation and development of the universe. It made bits of matter gather together to form things like moons, planets, stars, and even large, whirling galaxies. It also causes the Earth and all the planets in the solar system to orbit the sun ["What Is Gravity Really?"].
...e times the mass of the sun. In this case gravity is overwhelmingly strong and is able to crush the neutron star towards zero mass. The result is a black hole with a gravitational field strong enough to not even let light escape (Brusca, 2004).
It is a common misconception that there is no gravity in space. In fact, there is gra...
A black hole can not be seen because of the strong gravity that is pulling all of the light into the black hole's center. However, black holes can be identified indirectly by the material around and going into it. The conception of a black hole was first introduced in 1783 by an English amature astonomer named John Michell, who was laboring under the Newtonian assumption that light particles had mass. Using Newton’s Laws, John Michell independently suggested the existence of an "invisible star. " Michell computed the mass and size, which is now called the "event horizon,” that an object needs in order to have an escape velocity greater than the speed of light.
Black holes are the result of the death of a massive star, leaving behind a dense remnant core that eventually collapses to create a gravitational force so strong that nothing, including light, can escape the force. The theory that black holes existed started back in the early 1900s and since then astronomers and scientists have been trying to get a better understanding of them. This phenomenon has been a working progress for astronomers and scientists for many years and as we develop a better understanding of our solar system, the more likely it is to make a significant discovery that can answer some of the most difficult questions about our incredible galaxy and solar system. The more information we are able to acquire about our universe, the more questions we might be able to answer about our existence. With advancements in technology we may be able to see some significant discoveries and insights into the world of black holes.
Gravity is the force that pulls two objects together, and the mass of the human body depends on gravity. The more the mass there is, the amount of the gravitational force will increase. The study of the Earth’s gravitational field itself is complex and deeply fascinating. Likewise, studying its relation to the human body makes it even more thought provoking. A gravitational field is simply the area of space neighboring a body that has another body experiencing a gravitational attraction force. As human beings and just general species, our state in Earth is not the same as it is up in the atmosphere or another planet. Unfortunately, the term “gravity” is thrown around futilely these days, but in this essay you will learn its purpose in our Earth, and all the notions that go along with it.
Although I was not doing an article on black holes, I decided to watch the following documentary, merely because it was related to the cosmos.