Uga Personal Statement

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Although I am a freshman, UGA is not that foreign to me. My sister just recently graduated in May of 2015. Because of this, it has allowed me to have a personal mentor in getting familiar with the campus and different activities being held on campus. So far I have loved my time here at UGA, with its beautiful campus, unlimited admission to dining halls, and variety of activities to get involved with. College has exceeded what my expectations were coming from high school. However, the process of becoming a Bulldog was not as smooth as I was hoping it would have been. High school, for me, was a time where I began to discover who I am. I became more invested in my studies and started to realize my interests. As a result, I began to contemplate possible careers. Biology was a subject that I enjoyed immensely in high school, therefore I decided to major in Cellular Biology. I also have a passion to help people, and I would love to become a doctor one day. The plan seemed simple enough, however, when the time came to transition to a college student, I …show more content…

Since my orientation was so early, I dreaded waiting two whole months before I became an official UGA Bulldog. I spent a majority of the summer thinking about everything UGA had to offer. Whether it was UGA football games or all the different clubs, the thought of all this proceeded to increase my excitement, but the 11th seemed forever away. Finally after what seemed to be a long two months, the 11th came and I was absolutely ready to start my journey here at UGA. Now that I am an official Bulldog, I have been loving every second of it. UGA has so much to offer to me as a student, and I cannot wait to see where this amazing university will leads me. High school was an important time of my life, but I have a feeling I am going to join those who say “college is the best time of your

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