Ubiquitous Food Blogs

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At the center of the photograph is a single drop of maple syrup. It dangles from the square corner of a pumpkin ginger waffle that is nothing short of what chef Alton Brown calls “golden brown and delicious” or GBD for short. A fork is whisking away that syrup-drenched waffle corner as the rest of the waffles await consumption below. The image is nothing short of breathtaking, and it is the work of the author of the Always with Butter food blog. Always with Butter is one of thousands of food blogs found on the internet, but what sets it apart from the others is the photography. Always with Butter has found a specialty in food blogging that makes it unique.

Food blogging is a somewhat new realm of the so-called blogosphere in which writers delve into some specific part of the food world and write about it to anyone who will read. Always with Butter, for example, focuses on homemade recipes and high-quality food photography, sometimes known as food porn. However, the focus of the blog depends entirely upon the interests of the blogger. These blogs include personal stories, links to news stories, how-to videos, images, and anything else that can be posted online. They are most often read by foodies, a group of people who seek a wide range of experiences of food; however, they can be read by anyone who is even a tiny bit curious about the processes of cooking and eating. In fact, one of the most famous food blogs was when a food blogger attempted to make all of famous chef Julia Child’s recipes in a year. The blog was turned into a popular film, Julie and Julia, which starred Amy Adams as the blogger and Meryl Streep as Child. Whatever the focus, the subject of a food blog could be anything from grilling to vegan recipes, local eats...

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...wickedly funny and highly inappropriate. In an older review, Marvo once compared a prime rib sandwich from Quizno’s to two “hobos getting it on.”

While some may find it pointless to read about food, the depth of the potential topics for food blogs seems to cover every corner of the world. Even the pickiest eater with the smallest of budgets and appetites might be able to find an appealing blog about financially strapped but particular, bird-like eaters. If the blogger loves food enough, often it becomes the center of widely appreciated writing. From The Impulsive Buy’s intensely wrong comparisons to Always with Butter’s striking photography, from cupcakes to Zombie Burgers, or from the strictest of vegans who only shop at Whole Foods to the hardcore bacon lover who eats a Baconator every day, there is no shortage of topics about food and a food blog to cover it.

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