Type 1 Diabetes Informative Speech

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Eating can kill you !! Yes overeating as well as eating unhealthy foods can kill you! If you are wondering how this can kill you, here’s the answer: Diabetes..Type 2 diabetes to be more specific. Type 2 diabetes is a disease that makes your body not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first your pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it, but over time it isn’t able to keep up, then your blood glucose levels go abnormal. When they go abnormal you start to experience the following: Thirst, weight loss, blurry vision and more. But there is another type, Type 1 diabetes is more on the genetic side of diagnosis. Type 1 diabetes is where your body does not make insulin. Therefore you have to take insulin everyday to stay alive. What type 1 diabetes does is that it programs your immune system to attack cells in your pancreas (which makes the insulin). Diabetes is hard to deal with. “ I was 13 when I developed the classic symptoms of a person who gets diabetes: a lot of weight loss, a tremendous thirst, and a blurry eyesight.” explains Bobby Clarke ( Famous ice hockey player with diabetes). …show more content…

(Type 2 because Type 1 is random) According to www.hsph.harvard.edu we can follow these simple steps to help us prevent Type 2 diabetes: Eat a healthy diet that consists of whole grains and healthy fats. Prevent refined grains and sugary soda and sweets. Limit red meat and avoid processed foods, such as canned fruit in it’s own juice, processed meats like hot dogs. Go for healthier protein sources instead. Such as nuts, beans, and fish. These will help you prevent Type 2 if you follow them on at least a weekly

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