Two Theories Of Child Development By Albert Bandura And Cognitive Development

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In this assignment, it will be discussing two theories of child development which are the social learning theory by Albert Bandura and the cognitive development by Jean Piaget. When discussing these two theories, it will be linked to child development and how it impacts adults working with children.
Child development theories focus on explaining how children change and can grow throughout their childhood. These theories centre on many aspects of child development whether it is physical, emotional, social or cognitive development. Hence why in this assignment, it will be discussing two psychological theories which will both be elaborating the development of children and what areas these developments are relevant to. The first theory which will be considered is the social learning theory, this theory was first proposed by Albert Bandura. The social learning theory is about how individuals can learn through observing others whether it is behaviour, attitude or the way they dress.
Albert Bandura had done an experiment called the Bodo Doll experiment which included an adult who is tasked to act aggressively towards the Bodo Doll and there were children around him which were told …show more content…

Furthermore, according to Bandura young children imitate adult’s aggressive actions that they see in a contrived social setting hence why when an adult behaves in an aggressive manner and the child imitates this it is thought to have been modelled or reinforced. The theory impacts adults working with children because moral thinking is also influenced by observation and modelling hence why kids observe adults which results into them learning how to choose between right and wrong by watching adults to make these

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