Two Primary Systems Involved In Homeostasis

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The human body has mechanisms in place to regulate conditions, and this regulation is called homeostasis. Homeostasis is a process involving maintaining a state of equilibrium by adjusting physiological processes (Marieb & Hoen, 2016, pg. 28). The two primary systems involved in homeostasis are the nervous and endocrine systems (Marieb & Hoen, 2016, pg. 29). The nervous system is responsible for the regulation of body temperature, which when responding to a decreased external temperature activates a negative feedback mechanism (Marieb & Hoen, 2016, pg. 30). This negative feedback mechanism counteracts the original stimulus by the vasoconstriction of blood cells, piloerection, and contraction of skeletal muscles to promote a healthy response …show more content…

The hypothalamus, monitoring this change signals the effectors if core temperature falls below thirty-seven Degrees Celsius. The blood vessels then receive this information leading to vasoconstriction, which reduces heat loss through radiation. Vasoconstriction means the muscles in the blood vessels contract restricting blood flow to the surface of the skin, which results in a lower volume of blood flowing through our skin. A fall in core temperature can also lead to increased voluntary muscular activity such as stamping, tapping, and fidgeting. Involuntary activity such as shivering is another response; the rapid relaxation and contraction of skeletal muscles controlled by the autonomic nervous system. These contractions vary from increased muscular tone to dynamic oscillations. These contractions also enhance the amount of heat released through respiration and raise body temperature (Naish, Revest, & Court, 2016, pg. 2). In response to a decreased external temperature, humans also show piloerection. Piloerection is where erector muscles in skin contract making body hairs stand up. Mammals with thicker fur form an insulating layer by trapping more air close to

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