Two Perspectives Of Right Realism And Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

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In this essay I propose to evaluate two perspectives of social control which will be right realism and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and their views on crime and social order. Right realism is a theory on why crime happens and CPTED tries to minimize the opportunity of crime.

Right realism can be linked to political right wing parties ideology and the sociological theory functionalism. The reason is because people have not been socialised correctly therefore children do not possess the correct norms and values to make society function correctly, which leads to social order. This created the divide between people from the upper class to the working class and underclass. We can see people within the working and underclass …show more content…

Freud believed that if these could not be acquired legally, people would instinctively do so illegally. Freud also believed that people have the ability to learn in early childhood what is right and wrong. Primarily getting our moral principles as a young child from parents. However, if these were missing as a child they would grow up into being less able to control natural urges to acquire its needs as mentioned by Bryant (2014)

The broken windows theory, was proposed by James Q. Wilson and George Kelling (1982). This used broken windows to describe disorder within neighbourhoods.Their theory links disorder and unsociable behavior within a community leading to serious crime. Prior to theories such as broken windows, law enforcement and police tended to focus on the serious crime. However, Wilson and Kelling took a different view from this. They saw serious crime as the final result of a chain of events, which emerged from disorder. If we eliminated disorder, then serious crimes would not occur as mentioned by Mckee

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