Tuition Is Not The Main Obstacle To Student Success Analysis

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Have you ever let yourself forget something unpleasant because you were enjoying something wonderful? Like choosing to eat a milkshake even though you are lactose intolerant? Or forsaking that writing assignment to go to the movies with your best friend? Sometimes things sound so good we forget to look at the down side. Neglecting to write that paper may give you a poor grade, but you will pretend you don’t know that just so you can see the newest hit in the theater. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in what seems like a good idea that we just don’t care what the consequences might be. Free college is like that. Many people right now are pushing for the United States to outlaw public college and university tuition. And let’s just admit …show more content…

The government – and the people – would be strained to provide the funds. If the need is greater than the amount the government can provide, colleges may be forced to refuse potential students, being unable to afford to educate them. Andrew Kelly stated this perfectly in his article, “Tuition is Not the Main Obstacle to Student Success”. He claims, “To keep pace with wages in the rest of the economy, colleges must pay professors more, which raises costs year over year. Add in the ever-expanding corps of administrators and support staff…if the public’s generosity doesn’t keep pace with these increases, schools that are prohibited from charging tuition will have to turn students away. Insisting on free tuition could lead to rationing, not open access”. And even the students who are accepted most likely would not experience college as it is today. Extracurricular activity funding would most certainly be cut out of necessity, restricting arts and athletic programs. Scholarships of all kinds would disappear as free tuition would force universities to use that money to meet their costs. These worries are realized in Germany, which has been tuition-free since 2014. German colleges have conceded that they are short of funds. The state governments – and with them, the people – are struggling to meet their needs. Many people believe it …show more content…

People select colleges mainly by their numbers. How many of their students graduate in 4 years? How many of their students go on to graduate school? How many of their students were successful in the workforce? But in reality, colleges are not liable for their students’ success. The students are. Hunter Rawlings commented in his article “College is Not a Commodity. Stop Treating It Like One”, “The courses the student decides to take (and not take), the amount of work the student does, the intellectual curiosity the student exhibits, her participation in class, his focus and determination — all contribute far more to her educational “outcome” than the college’s overall curriculum…Yet most public discussion of higher ed today pretends that students simply receive their education from colleges the way a person walks out of Best Buy with a television”. Free tuition will not help this problem. In fact, it is likely to worsen it. Students of today tend to think that colleges should have the burden of providing them with good grades and success, rather than accepting the fact that those things are not just given. They are earned through dedication and hard work. Free tuition would help encourage this by giving students more incentive to feel irresponsible. If it costs them nothing to attend college, why would they need to stress out about doing well? They could always just try again.

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