Trolley Investigation

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Trolley Investigation

Choosing a Variable

Before I begin the investigation, I must first decide which variable I

should investigate.

Variables can be divided into 2 major groups: dependant variables and

independent variables. In measuring the behaviour of a trolley the

dependant variable is speed. This is because the speed will change

when other variables are changed.

An independent variable is a variable which cannot be affected by

other variables. There are many independent variables in measuring the

behaviour of a trolley and I must first assess which one would be a

suitable one to investigate:

* Shape of the trolley- the shape and aerodynamics of the trolley

can affect its motion behaviour. This is because the trolley is

affected by air resistance and certain shapes are more air

resistant than others. This would be a difficult variable to

investigate because we would be limited by the number of shapes we

could use. It would be difficult to plot the results in the form

of a line graph.

* Gradient of ramp- gradient of the ramp affects the motion of the

trolley because as the gradient gets larger the height the trolley

starts from gets higher as well. This would mean that at higher

points the trolley would have more gravitational potential energy.

This would be a good variable to investigate because we can use

various gradients but it might be slightly difficult to measure

some angles with the protractor.

* Height of start position- this affects the motion of the trolley

because as the height gets larger the trolley gains more

gravitational energy. This would be a good variable to investigate

because there are many heights we can use and it is also easy to

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