Trip To Brazil Research Paper

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“Que saudade” is one of those phrases that cannot be directly translated to English. The expression is frequently used when you miss someone or something so desperately that you have a heartache. My heartache lies in the country of Brazil. After getting to know Mari, our exchange student from last year, I am eager to travel to Brazil and learn about her homeland and culture. My first reason for wanting to travel to Brazil is to interact with the Brazilians. From living with Mari for a year, I have learned the carefree attitude and selfless behavior illustrated by her. Every Brazilian I have ever met has had a fun-loving personality and a level of optimism that I wish I saw more of here in the United States. Although the people and social life are great, I have always dreamed of someday exploring a rainforest. In Brazil, this is extremely possible! The country is known for it’s wildlife and luscious tropical forests. Despite the numerous mosquitos, I would love to see the countless colorful birds that are housed in the rainforest. Regardless of the fact that I could most likely see many of these birds at the zoo, I would much rather see them in their natural habitat. …show more content…

Their shores range anywhere from sandy, rocky, sprawling, tiny, crowded, or secluded. If it can be named, they presumably have it. Beaches in Brazil vary greatly from the ones in the US in many ways. One of my favorites is that in Brazil they tend to be a lot more active. Everywhere you look there is some type of sport or activity going on. It is reasonable to assume that there will be a game of soccer or volleyball going on as well as paddleball, hacky sack, and of course surfing. For those who aren’t into sports, there are areas designed for relaxing and hanging out under an

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