Treat Me Like Somebody Meaning

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Music Essay

The song “Treat me like somebody” by Tink is valuable to me because at the time I felt the way she did, it perfectly explained my past. The song tells you how it is. Her lyrics to this song is basically saying that she is tired of chasing, tired of looking for love and tired of ending up heartbroken at the end. Our society just keeps getting worse and worse. As our generation keeps changing some people aren’t willing to love the same way as they once did before. And that’s because they give up to easily, they give up on hope.
All she was looking for was for someone to treat her like somebody. Some people in this world just give up on hope and prefer to get distant with others. Some guys get a good girl and they take advantage of it. For instance, in the verse “Somebody real is hard to find, somebody worth all your time, somebody who …show more content…

My favorite part: “Now don’t be misled by the things that I said in the past I was young, I was looking for a thrill, that didn’t last long I was in it for the wrong… wrong reason, wrong season, wrong person”. Is one of my favorite verses because what she says is true, and it relates to me because I realized how one person can come into your life and destroy everything. And now all you have left is to try to pick up all the little pieces and build yourself up again. It was just bad timing, wrong person. It only takes one person to mess everything up for the next person trying to fix it. Much of the lyrics content deals with heartbreaks and emotional issues. When I first heard this song, it was about 3 years ago. I’m sure a friend had told me to listen to it, so I did. This made me open my eyes and I realized that not everything is going to be permanent. People come and go. But one thing that keeps me going is to never lose hope, to stay strong. We are all looking for someone that will treat us right, show us respect, and give us a purpose to

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