Traumatic Brain Injury Research Paper

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Traumatic brain injuries can impact portions of the brain in a variety of ways. Depending on the area impacted, an individual’s life maybe ultimately affected. According to (21) The Traumatized brain, variables that affect a traumatic brain injury are pre-existing condition and experiences as well as former injuries. Significant types of injuries are; penetrating injury, blast injury and internal force injury. The course of this paper attempts to discuss types of brain injury and their impact on individuals. As well as the fact that not all problems with the brain are caused by a direct injury. Referencing The Traumatized brain as the source. We examine all these types of brain damage and the difficulty in identifying damage. This paper also …show more content…

Depression is defined as extenuating time, which a person feels unmotivated and unable to participate in normal activities. As featured on page 40, depression is more than ordinary sadness. It can truly impact one's life and state of being. Unfortunately, as discuss (40), there are many misguiding resources about depression as a result of today’s culture. There is a significant stigma behind mental health and as a result, there's lots of misguiding information regarding the subject. Symptoms of depression after traumatic brain injury are difficult to diagnose due to the many factors prior to the injury (41). As illustrated earlier, the different types of brain injuries. As well as previous mental and emotional state. Traumatic brain injuries can increase stress and depression in someone. As depicted pages 4 and 45 of The Traumatized Brain, a traumatic brain injury will bring out chemicals in Nero logical circuits or Neuro chemicals which trigger the depression. Circuits affected by depression are the prefrontal cortex the limbic system (44). In turn affecting the hypothalamus amygdala, the hippocampus and the insula. Defined on page 44, are each of the functions. Prefrontal cortex stops in emotional response then the brake system helps overcome depression. Hypothalamus helps with sleep and appetite Emoji Allah response to extreme anxiety and fears. Hippocampus helps memory separate January helps processing in motion and the insula integrates emotions with the

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