Transportation In Ancient Egypt

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In Ancient time civilizations did not have many forms of transportation and the travel distance was limited. Some of the only forms of transportation was walking, ferries, or chariots/carts. The main form though was walking and many people all had to be aware of what was on there feet. Woven Sandals became a thing for travels to help with the walks needed around them.

The main way of getting about was literally walking. Many people used sandals to walk short distance. Except when it came to the long ones they would walk barefoot and when they got to their destination they would put them back on for comfort. Walking stick became very used, mainly with elderly people. There is a saying in Ancient Egypt that go “Do not walk the road without a stick in your hand”. This services as both a walking aid and as a weapon for self defence. …show more content…

The Mesopotamians used three types of boats, the wooden, kalakku, and turnip or Guffa boat. Early Egyptians learned to make small boats out of papyrus plant which was very innovated at the time. They all used different materials and their purpose was also different for the Tigris and Euphrates river.

Another great form was with the help of the potters wheel. The first use of this innovation was in 3200 B.C with a chariot. It was later used on wagons for heavier loads of goods. It's interesting it had a industrial or manufacturing impact before it was used on today's vehicles. In ancient china common modes of transportation was wheelbarrows, horse carriages, ox carts, and rickshaw. China made a big deal about the status of the person and their family. For the most part regular people used wheelbarrows, and wealthy people used horse carriages. China used transportation as a form of showing your wealth. They would often can canopy or tops that protected the passengers from the sun and other stuff. The height of the canopy determined the beauty of the

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