Trans Humanism Research Paper

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Trans humanism: An indefinable movement looking for a definitive answer

Technology has had a huge impact on human interaction and our existence as a whole. We have seen the invention of transportation, television, and the internet, as well as groundbreaking advances in medicine & health. This technology is created out of ingenuity and furthers the bounds of what we can discover as a species. Trans humanism is defined as the belief that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by the means of science and technology. New technology, while having many positives, also has hidden costs that are not seen at first. To often today you walk into a room and see every person glued to their cellphone …show more content…

They all believe in the use of technology to alter the human life but they also believe in many different channels of technology and its applications. My issue with trans humanism is that it must only be a cog in the wheel of human belief and ethics. Not everyone on earth should be trans humanist because there needs to be a lengthily discussion between both sides about how new technology may effect our species way of life. This discussion must happen because if life-altering technology is to be implemented in our society, it might not be known at first, but as time passes the technology will have a big effect on our life as a whole. I believe that trans humanism is a necessary part of our belief and furthers the boundaries of what we can create, but left unchecked it may have insurmountable effects on our way of …show more content…

Global security is also increased with technology. Trans humanism ideas are that human beings must use knowledge to overcome their imperfections and move in a unified direction, with international peace and cooperation. Trans humanism strives to save lives and prevent death. Aging and caused of illness are to be cured with trans human technology. Trans humanism simply provides people with the opportunity to explore post human realms and go beyond their limitations. It allows people to become smarter and it provides them with more freedom. Trans human values include diversity, caring, improvement, enhancement of individual choice, peace, and

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