Essay On Trans People In The Media

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Well to start this off I should talk about how the media can be a good and bad. The media, also known as, T.V, movies, books, etc, can show Trans individuals in good and bad ways. This essay will also show how most trans people want to be viewed. As well as the stigmas around trans people. I will also debunk some myths about trans people. Yes there is good ways Trans people have been shown in media but a lot of times it’s not shown in a good way. Some of these examples come from very popular T.V shows, such as Family Guy, and Seinfeld. In the Seinfeld episode Man Hands one of the things one of the characters say is “She had man hands.” Which is referring to a Trans woman. The show was treating her as if she isn’t a “Real” woman. In the media there is more bad things about trans women, than there is about trans men. Yes I do know these shows are in the …show more content…

That’s what they are, they just aren’t born in the way that’s considered the “norm”. Studies show Trans men have a similar brain to a cis male, and the same goes for Trans women, so scientifically they are “Real” men and women. Although some trans people are okay with not passing as a cisgender, most trans individuals want to be seen as cisgender. Passing helps trans men and women to avoid harassment that the media sometimes encourages. There is pressure to be masc or masculine for both cis and trans men, especially with transmen. Transguys can’t like makeup or they are viewed as not masculine enough to be a “real” man. There is so many problems in the trans community and what people think of transgenders, if you don’t get or want bottom surgery then sometimes you aren’t viewed as actually trans or can be seen as male or female. People's transitions all are different, some people want top surgery some don’t. Why this is relevant is even in the trans community there is fighting because the pressure to be cis even though that’s not who they

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