Trans And Non-Binary People Persuasive Speech

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Trans people are those who are born male, but later on in life identify as female, or vice versa. Non-binaries are those who do not fit into 'male' or 'female', but may identify as both, a mix of the two, or neither. Forty-nine percent of trans people attempt suicide at some point in their lives, and one in twelve trans or non-binary people are murdered just for being trans.1 More than a quarter of trans people have also said they required anti-violence services, but the majority of violence is never even reported due to fear of being ridiculed, ignored or making the situation worse. Although, recently, society is more accepting of trans and non-binary people than it was a few years ago, the very idea still has a huge stigma attached to it. …show more content…

Ten percent of these violent acts were against youths – people under the age of eighteen. These include two sixteen year olds who were shot, and an eight year old boy who was beaten to death by his very own father.2 There is an appalling volume of trans and non-binary people who are murdered, beaten, raped and pushed to suicide every year. Many of these incidents go unreported, because the media does not care enough to make it big news. This is disgusting. There needs to be more awareness for trans violence and a bigger effort needs to be made to make it stop. Violence like this should not be allowed to continue unnoticed.
There is even a phrase for the assault – whether that is physical, verbal or sexual – against trans and non-binaries. This phrase is ‘trans bashing’. Trans bashing occurs when someone is beaten or assaulted for their gender identity – similar to ‘gay bashing’ when someone is assaulted for their sexuality.2 The fact that this is such a common occurrence that it even has its own term, and is relatively well known, is, quite honestly, sickening. Sadly, this is becoming more and more

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