Trailer Park Boys Research Paper

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Mitch rogers The portrayal of Disability in Trailer Park Boys In my paper I am going to talk about how alcoholism is represented, and how it starts. My research question is, how is alcoholism started and why do people allow it to control their lives. In Trailer Park Boys pretty much everyone is an alcoholic, the characters believe that it is okay to drink away their problems and deal with them later. Alcoholism is a severe disability that the characters obviously ignore. The reasons they ignore that it is a problem is due to the fact that their parents weren’t the best influences, for example letting their kids drink when they are very young. My breakdown of alcoholism, and how it starts, will be directed toward people who are interested in how alcoholism is represented, and how it starts. …show more content…

The primary source is where I will get most of my information, and examples. The secondary source will back up the information and examples I pull from the actual TV show. Every season equally represents alcoholism, and shows how it started so it is hard to narrow it down to one season or episode. In this show it is obvious that it is about people who live in a trailer park. There are quite a few main characters, the show goes deeply into all of their lives giving you all their background information to show you why they are the way they are. For example, one of the main character Ricky has a father who lies about being disabled so he can get money from the government to pay for his alcohol. That is one example out of many that shows how parental behavior can rub off on their kids. Also the other big role in all the character’s alcoholism is where they live. With growing up in poverty, living around bad influences, and not having the right parental support, they believe it is okay to drink your problems

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