Total Rewards Program

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Human Resource Management is a fundamental part of a company designed to maximize employees’ performance in service of the organization’s strategic goals and objectives. One of the ways to create company’s competitive advantage is to boost productivity of the employees. Employee’s productivity depends on how satisfied they are with the task that they have been assigned to do. In the past several decades developed nations such as Canada has developed a unique way to increase employees’ morale and productivity, in addition to job enrichment. This method is called total rewards program. Total rewards program includes not only monetary rewards such as compensation but also non-monetary rewards such as performance recognition and work/life balance …show more content…

Working remotely has gained popularity in the financial industry, particularly among banks and financial groups (Rodier, 2013). However, not every organization has a sufficient budget to implement a telecommuting program. The purchasing and maintenance costs of appropriate hardware (laptops, tablets, mobile phones), security software and other infrastructure for employees to conduct work activities from remote locations can be significant, and must be measured against rent savings and increased productivity to determine if they are worth the effort. Also, to prevent feelings that they are being treated unfairly, employees not eligible for the program should be provided additional incentives or benefits (greater subsidization of public transit; company coverage of personal activities). As well, leakage of confidential company information could be an issue. “Taking shortcuts” around security electronic security procedures would jeopardize information confidentiality. Even if full attentiveness to security procedures is given, human error cannot be ruled out. Risk of exposing confidential information then, must be accepted as a factor that is always present, and as such, requires constant monitoring to be kept under

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