Tommy Victor Biography Essay

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Nineteen sixty two was the year that changed Tommy’s life forever. While listening to the radio Tommy heard a sound that he had never heard before. It was legendary guitarist Chet Atkins playing Windy and Warm. A song that requires you to play backing, rhythm, and lead all at the same time. When Tommy heard this song his mind exploded, and he knew that he had to learn this song. While trying to learn Windy and Warm many people told Tommy that it was a recording trick, and that it was not possible to play all those things at once. But somehow he heard that Chet was playing all those parts on one guitar. This motivated Tommy to work even harder at the song and eventually he learned it. This is what opened the door for his unique, and jaw-dropping style of playing.
When Tommy was around the age of …show more content…

“I know it’s not brain surgery, I know I’m not saving someone’s life. I’m just a musician trying to do his best, but each one of us has to do that, and that’s what makes the whole thing work.” This has been Tommy Emmanuel’s motivation for playing all over the globe. His instrumental music connects people because there is no language barrier when it comes to instrumental music. As Tommy says “If I can help people to forget all the bad in their lives, I can make the world a better place.” This is his goal every night, to make his audience happy, inspire them and give them …show more content…

Through his dedication, love, drive, and commitment, Tommy Emmanuel deserves everything he has earned. The journey Tommy has been through should not only be an inspiration to musicians and guitarists, it should inspire all people to better themselves. Tommy to this day continues his show as a one man band playing around three hundred and thirty concerts a year. At sixty years old, this man continues on running the endless road, bringing joy, hope and inspiration to this

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