To Kill A Mockingbird Quote Analysis

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Multigenre project

In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, education came to be a concern for families due to poverty. Poverty creates obstacles to an equal chance at education, it is by far harder to receive schooling if a family is struggling with money.
Walter Cunningham Jr. and his family pose as a great example as to how poverty can affect a person’s chances at an education. Walter comes from a very poor family, the Cunninghams, and almost everyone in town seems to know this. When Walter Jr. is offered a quarter from his teacher, he won't accept it because him and everyone else knows that he won't be able to pay it back. “Insert quote”. Walter and his family do not have any money, they can only pay people with crops and other materials …show more content…

This is a difficult task for her to accomplish. Because she lives in a tiny apartment with four other family members on the southside of Chicago, the reader is able to assume that money is tight with the Younger family. Luckily, they have a check of $10,000 soon to be theirs. When discussing what this money will be used for, Mama says “Some of it got to be put away for Beneatha and her schoolin’-and ain’t nothing going to touch that part of it. Nothing.” Beneatha’s chances of attending medical school was slim because poverty got in the way, but thanks to the check, it's more likely that Beneatha will be able to become a doctor. Without money, it is a strenuous task to get advanced education, especially in Chicago for a black person when black people were continually being discriminated …show more content…

Beneatha Younger defies all stereotypes of a black woman by striving to become a doctor. On top of this, she and her family struggle with poverty. How did all this happen? “My family and I had a big check coming in the mail for the death of my father. My mama said that we would put a lot of it towards my medical schooling,” said Younger. The family got a compensation for Walter Sr.’s death of $10,000. With medical school costing around $1,500, the family will be using a large portion of the compensation to pay for Beneatha’s education. With the family of five all living in one tiny, two bedroom apartment on the disadvantaged side of town, it’s safe to say that the Youngers were in desperate need of some extra money. Beneatha is able to attend college, while the rest of her family didn’t get the opportunity to do so. Struggling to find nickels and dimes, $10,000 was an incredible amount of money. Beneatha's family is very excited about her going to college, although they all had personal plans for the money, but a set portion would be put aside for Youngers medical school. put away for Beneatha and her schoolin’-and ain’t nothing going to touch that part of it. Nothing.” said Beneatha's mom, Lena Younger, about what the money will be used for. Although not everyone is pleased with this decision, *insert angry Walter quote,* everyone is very proud of a young girl with

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