To Kill A Mockingbird Essays: Character Analysis

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As a Boy Scout, I was taught the importance of three major things: hard work, preparation, and the ability nature has to provide for us. I have spent a lot of time in the woods, camping and hiking, and it never ceases to amaze me what can be found and what nature has to teach you. When I was earning my Eagle Scout Award, I was tasked with coming up with a service project that would help the community and that would be sustainable. I created a collection center for returnable goods that is easily accessible. I did this to cut down on the amount of bottles and cans on the side of the road that are hurting our forests. I am eager to do more projects like this. I am looking forward to joining some conservation groups in college to further my volunteering reach. …show more content…

In that time I have done many service projects, cleaned roadsides, cleared brush from trails, and I earned the Messenger of Peace Award. As part of being a Messenger of Peace, one is encouraged to protect, “Relationships between humankind and its environment: security, social and economic welfare, and relationship with the environment.” Anytime Boy Scouts are outdoors our motto is, “Leave it better than you found it.” I take that motto with me anytime I am doing something that I know will impact the world around me. Be that as simple as picking up a piece of trash while walking the dog. Also, many fellow Scouts and many of my family members are hunters and have shown me the importance of hunting. In addition to Boy Scouts, I have also volunteered time to the National Wild Turkey Federation by helping on several NWTF sponsored roadside clean ups and by planning an informational session on fire starting for a Women in the Outdoors

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