To Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis Essay

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A creepy house that invokes the mystery through children and the discrimination of blacks in court develop the historical characters: Scout, Atticus, and Boo Radley. Harper Lee’s, To Kill a Mockingbird, takes the point of view of Scout, a young girl living in a small town, who watches racial situations and society changing in front of her. Through Scout telling her stories about her father and small town, Harper Lee develops characters, themes, and life lessons that are enjoyed and read about every year. Atticus Finch develops himself through pleading a case for a black man who pleads innocent. The town turns into despair when Atticus Fitch supports this man who ends up being guilty, even though he was innocent. From small town lawyers, comical pop culture, and people identifying themselves with a character, To Kill a Mockingbird remains know and mentioned around the world fifty years later. Atticus Finch, Scout’s father, plays a strong fatherly figure and profound attorney. Lynn Neary mentions Atticus Finch, “[Atticus] was unforgettable — a modest man of great integrity, he managed to impart his wisdom without being too preachy” (Neary) and Scout
In addition, Scout is remembered for her outfit as a ham and also repeated in “Fans of "Community" might have recognized a shout-out to Scout Finch in the episode "Paranormal Parentage," when the group of friends gets together for a costume party. Britta, played by Gillian Jacobs, is dressed as a ham — just like Scout 's famous costume in the "To Kill a Mockingbird" movie” (Schaub). Scout dressed as a ham gets mocked and told “When she called out, ‘Pork’, that was my cue… Mrs. Crenshaw took some chicken wire and bent it into the shape of a cured ham” (Lee 339). Scout being dressed as a ham leads to Halloween costumes being iconized through her. This is a change to popular culture adapting to fictional

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