To Graduate High School Essay

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To be successful in high school you will need to communicate with your teachers and peers. Not communicating will get you nowhere and will not help you develop communication skills. When I was a freshman going into high school everything was different because people expected you to be ready and on time for your classes. People were moving ahead and getting ready for their future goals. Then there is me. A gamer that just goes to school to hang out with his friends and play games after school. I was dumb and didn't know how important school was and what it had in store for me in the future.

Freshman year I passed five out of my seven classes. Not bad, But when sophomore year rolled in, I just passed one class and failed the rest. This is where my mom got concerned and asked to talk to my counselor. Me, my mom, and my counselor all sat down together and talked about what I could do to graduate high school on time. They enrolled me in a credit recovery class to recover my classes and to get back on track. …show more content…

I have completed 3 credits and need 2 more to graduate and a writing work sample which I'm writing now to graduate. This paper will decide if I graduate high school or not. High school is very important and should not be a class you can just blow off. School helps you get a better job and it teaches you that during the hard times you will always prevail and move forward. High school is the best thing that has happened to me and will always be the best part of my life years to come. High school taught me that giving up is not an option. My teachers didn't give up on me. So why should I give up on them? This is why high school is important and why you should be ready to learn and you might find something you like and make into your career. When you graduate hold your head high and say “I made it!” You did it and now you are an adult ready for whatever life throws at you. This is why high school is

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