Tim Hunt Patriarchy

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Media treatments showing comments made by a well-respected Nobel laureate by the name of Tim Hunt display that patriarchy is still prevalent in Western culture. He was invited to make a speech at the World Conference of Science Journalists in Seoul, Korea and made seriously chauvinistic comments in front of some of the foremost female scientists. His comments, which spread like wildfire over twitter only hours after, were: “Let me tell you about my trouble with girls… three things happen when they are in the lab… You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticise them, they cry.” These articles display the support and negative connotations surrounding Sir Tim Hunt and his sexist comments. Feminist criticism is a …show more content…

It goes to show the advances made since the mindset of his time. Tim Hunt’s misogynistic comments and the actions that were taken after actually inspired some to come to his aid and support his views. In an editorial article in the Guardian titled The Guardian view on the Tim Hunt affair: an explosive combination of science, sexism and social media it notes how almost directly after the comments were made, Hunt already had sympathysers. Most were famous coleague’s of his from University College London. In the article, it is written that: “By the weekend, he was complaining to sympathisers that he had been hung out to dry, unleashing a wave of support that included famous colleagues such as Richard Dawkins and Brian Cox. Today Jonathan Dimbleby joined the protest.” This support encourages patriarchy in our society and shows our civilized Western culture still has a lot to improve on. Later on in the article, this quote is shared: “The Hunt camp claims feminists are too humourless to see that it was a joke. But as the provost of UCL, Professor Michael Arthur, pointed out when he indicated last Friday that Professor Hunt would not be reinstated, it was impossible for an institution to tolerate someone … expressing views even in jest that so comprehensively undermined its own reputation as a leading supporter of female scientists.” Completely changing the …show more content…

With his comments he truly showed what Patriarchy means in a culture and why it is necessary to move forward from these ideas, towards the ideas brought forward by feminism. That is the movement towards equity for both sexes in work positions, economic situations, and how a family is viewed. Because of the power men hold, it is the idea of allowing women to hold the same amount of power and not, for example, have to leave work to go home and take care of the children. Tim Hunts obscene comments about how women are distracting and that they do not take well to criticism, was really what the feminist movement has been trying to target for years. That outpour of negative feedback toward Sir Tim shows how much times have changed but also why there still needs to be support for this movement. Women and men who support feminism have come a long way with women coming into positions of power, but there is a long way to go before equity between sexes is actually

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