Tiger Woods Satire

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Tiger Woods identified himself as “Cablinasian”, a combination of Caucasian, black, Indian, and Asian. Tiger Woods is a professional golfer, which is a pre-dominantly white sport. His successes in this sport have refashioned him as white. Most controversy regarding the multiracial aspect of Tiger Woods revolved around the Nike advertisement he was in. The ad consisted of children of different races saying “I am Tiger Woods” symbolizing that he identified with more than one race. Perez writes, “Nike very astutely capitalizes on Wood’s mixed racial heritage in creating a picture of inclusiveness and color-blindness.” (Perez pg. 409) The ad portrayed Woods as an outsider triumphing in the white dominated world of golf. The controversy lies in …show more content…

With Vietnamese and South Korean babies, many of them were adopted as war babies. Most Vietnamese babies were adopted from Operation Babylift, the mass evacuation of babies to the U.S. War brides were shamed for having mixed babies, especially one of a white or black soldier. There was an abundance of adoption from China that stemmed from the One Child Policy, which aimed to control the population of China. Parents were penalized if they had more than one child. There was a preference for males since they would carry on the family name, which has contributed to gender imbalance. Families that conceived a daughter first gave them up for adoption for better luck in conceiving a son the second time around. In Darow’s reading, she discusses the wide range of reasons why parents chose to adopt from China. One story talks about how the parents are exposed to Asian culture and people and that is why they were attracted to the China program. Many chose China because they wanted to save these children. Darrow writes, “Third World and nonwhite children makes for more rescuable subjects. Chinese children need rescue, and China is underdeveloped, but not so much as to threaten the desire for healthy, young infants whom parents can claim as their own.” (Darow pg. 287) China was a much open choice for other parents because these children do not come with a lot of baggage. These children are typically of a younger age and

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