Tides Influence On American Culture

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This cultures way of life is completely centered around their religious beliefs to the Tide. Everything they do is for the Tide in hopes of asking for forgiveness or blessings for their community. First, lets take a look at the social structure of this group of people. Since they are living underwater in a closed bubble dome, which is 150 acres, their community is fairly small approximately 3,200 people. Since they are entrapped in the bubble dome, they are not nomadic peoples and have no communication with any other civilizations which may be around them. That means their social status within their community is very important. The most important groups of people in this community are the musicians, the leaders, and the gathers. The musicians have a very important duty to communicate with the Tide for the rest of the community. To do so, they must master many different chants and playing rhythms which all mean something different to the Tide. It is the musician’s job to know and lead every song …show more content…

Once a child has reached the age of 15 they can decide which line of work they would like to go into. If one decides they would like to be a musician and be a direct line of communication to the Tide, they must be chosen by the Tide. In order to be chosen, the young adult is given one trial run at leading a chant or song of their choice, asking for a blessing in hopes that the Tide will positively respond to their prayer. If the Tide provides what was asked for during the trial chant led by the young adult, then they have been deemed chosen to become a full fledged musician with the power to have direct communication with the Tide. Later in this essay I will discuss the ins and outs of these sacred rituals, but for now let’s move on to the most important and smallest group of this community, the

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