Legacy and Impact of the Tiananmen Square Massacre

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Tiananmen Square Massacre is an event that took place in the summer of 1989 in Beijing, China. It is an event that forever will leave a rather haunting legacy on the Chinese culture. The Chinese citizens just wanted freedom, liberty, and justice but, with their communist government they knew they wouldn’t get anywhere without a fight. What many people don’t realize is that the massacre wasn’t just with Beijing but it was national movement with people from all over the country who stood behind the students who were also willing to put their lives on the line; they were not alone. The Tiananmen Square Massacre left many speechless and at lost for words as they watched their brothers, sisters, mom, dads, cousins, (etc.) be murdered in front of them. The exact death toll total will forever be unknown. To this day bringing up this event nearly 30 years later could still end in an arrest. The Chinese citizens saw America as their vision of what they had hoped for China to be one day.
Tiananmen Square Massacre was a democracy
Usually when people of the Tiananmen Square Massacre they relate it with the “Tank Man”. The tank man to this day almost 30 years later is unknown of who he was. They seem to associate with him of the name of Weng Weilin but the true identity is forever unknown. The unknown man had the nickname of the [“-unknown rebel”] (Shin, 2014). The few things we can draw from that rather gritty film is the man blocking tanks on the main avenue June 5th the day after the disturbing massacre. The “lead” tank was moving back and forth trying to go around this unknown man. In the video you can see the man climbing up on top of the tan tank it appears as if he began talking to one of the soldiers inside of the tank. We then see the man being pulled away by either a bystander, police, or a security force which today is also unknown. So many questions that we are left

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