Three Types Of Fear

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Fear is one of the most primitives human emotions that exist. It is the response when people is exposed to danger. Feeling an unpleasant sensation passing through the body, mind and soul; activating a warning system to overcome the threat and preserve life. Fear is consider a basic survival mechanism. Without it, humans would not have caution against dangerous situations. For example, crossing the street without looking for coming cars; could surely result in serious injuries or death. Therefore fear is a useful mechanism that works without persons noticing, but monitoring everything that is perceive and reacting to any hint of danger. In addition without fear humans possibly will not be able to survive as a specie, since they could not coupe …show more content…

There is no more natural and widespread feeling then the fear of death, and all human beings carried it inside. Such is the case of Tris from the text Divergent by Veronica Roth, who from a moving train with a gap between the edge of a roof and the edge of the track (Roth 53), jumps off onto the dauntless headquarters. All this as part of the process for the new initiates. Although this is only the beginning, not every one makes it through; a young girl in her attempt to jump, falls down laying dead in the pavement below (Roth 55). This scene made Tris doubt about even surviving the initiation process(Roth 56). Therefore the fear of death accompanies Tris through out this journey. In The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, Hazel a seventeen year old girl, besides suffering from lung cancer, suffers from it side effect, depression. Which according to Hazel, the depression is also a side affect of dying (Green 3). As a consequence Hazel rarely goes out, stays in bed most of the time, reads the same book over and over, and spends most of the time thinking about death (Green 3). Therefore …show more content…

In Divergent Tris suffers fear of isolation because she has been warned that in case of not fitting in any of the five factions, due to be divergent, Tris will become faction less. Meaning to live not only in total poverty and discomfort; but to live divorced from society, separated from the most important thing in life: Community (Roth 20). So when Tris thinks about this, she fears isolation and shakes her head; ' 'I can not think like this ' ', Tris says, ' 'I have to stay calm ' ' (Roth 20). In The Fault in Our Stars, Hazel fears of isolation when she thinks in the day her name would find its way into that list (Green 14). Hazel refers that in the support group everyone prays together for those who are gone to heaven, and their names are written in a list. But because the list is so long, it is hard to remember all the names. Therefore, Hazel fears and questions herself about if anyone would ever remember her name, said at the end of the list when everyone has stop listening (Green 14). In ' 'The Things They Carried ' ' O 'Brien knows that the fear of factor gets multiplied as he sits there hour after hour, nobody to talk to, nothing to do but stare into the big black hole at the center of his own sorry soul (O 'Brien). Consequently fear of isolation enters O 'Brien 's body imagining himself being dead in the tunnels with no one

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