Thomas Nast: The Father Of Modern Political Cartoon

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There are some things in the world that are simply difficult to understand. Among them are economy and politics. This is probably why some of the most highly educated people in the world occupy key roles in these realms.

For those who are not regularly exposed to this world, it is more challenging to grasp some of its most basic concepts. Economics and politics, however, are an integral part of everyday life. There are simpler ways to disseminate information on such topics aside from hard text. Some media outfits have resorted to the use of cartoons and in some cases, infographics.

It goes way back
The use of political cartoons is nothing new. One of America’s earliest known examples was Benjamin Franklin’s “Join or Die” drawing in 1753. …show more content…

Thomas Nast is credited with some political images that are still used today. One of his enduring creations is Uncle Sam, the lanky white-haired man wearing a top hat. Republicans and Democrats also have him to thank for their respective elephant and donkey mascots. Thomas Nast is widely regarded as the father of modern political cartoons.

Fast forward
Today, there are many cartoonists like Nast and Franklin providing an effective means to communicate messages through their work. Their styles may vary though have found a place in their respective categories.

Some notable creations come from Farley Katz, who focuses on fantasy. His main objective is to provide some kind of laughter to the reader. Next is the text-centric based output of Leo Cullum. The impact of his work is highly dependent on the way the cartoon connects with the text.

Other examples are reality-based concepts of Roz Chast. They can evoke emotions based on real-life scenarios. Image-centric cartoons, on the other hand, are the work of Frank Cotham. He is able to deliver ideas simply through the drawing alone.

These are just some of the styles cartoonists use to create impactful messages. Some use it for the economy, others for politics or even just for plain amusement. Regardless how these creations are utilized, there is solid evidence that they can be quite …show more content…

He was interesting and capable looking on his show The Apprentice. It was so well-received that it had fourteen seasons with Trump at the helm. This is not the same however when it comes to his current occupation as the POTUS. There are a good majority of people who feel he should be fired or rather, impeached from office.

He currently deals with issues concerning not only the United States but the world as a whole. In his latest political gaffe or possible genius solution, The Week Staff shares some amusing cartoons on his handling of the Iran nuclear deal. Trump has withdrawn from it and has baffled a lot of people as to his reasons why.

His main logic was that the deal was itself defective and not due to any violations by Iran. While it is difficult to go into the technicalities of the Iran nuclear deal, The Week tries to present its gist through cartoons. One shows that the US exiting the agreement might actually open the doors for Iran to build nuclear weapons. Another presents Trump as a volcanic natural disaster destroying fixed treaties in its wake.

It may poke a bit of fun at the Donald though the messages of these cartoons are clear. This is the magic of political cartoons that no amount of text can compare

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