Things Fall Apart

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There has been many issues between incompatible cultures regarding what one culture values and believes. As a result of these differences there has been conflicts such as abortion, same sex marriage, gun rights, and many more. People have taken stances choose their position within these conflicts based on what they believe in and their own cultures. Hence the disputes and even fighting between the people of one stance to people of the opposing and divisions within a community. Countless individuals have introduced numerous ways to solve these conflicts, one in particular called Cultural Relativism has been one specific solution that has been taken into consideration. Philosopher James Rachels has looked into this theory of Cultural Relativism …show more content…

Nonetheless, in order for a dilemma to be completely solved, societies must go beyond cultural relativism to understand the opposing culture and find a resolution. However, if a resolution can not be agreed upon and a culture is continuing to cause harm to others then separation from the opposing culture is the only solution to end the conflict.

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When two cultures interact and there is conflict, both cultures should try to not judge other cultures and understand each other, in order to come to an agreement in order to keep the peace between the two cultures. An example of understanding or lack of is in the novel, Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, in the novel there are statements said by the Ibo people and/or the missionaries that shows readers the lack of understanding between the two cultures such as, “We cannot leave the matter in his hands because he does not understand our customs, just as we do not understand his. We say he is foolish because he does not know our ways, and perhaps he says …show more content…

In order for Cultural Relativism to be a solution to conflicts, there has to be understanding and communication between the opposing cultures which differentiates from the original theory, however the sense of understanding and having a good communication between opposing cultures can end the conflicts between one another by getting both sides to understand the others point of view. Even if there can not be an agreement made, these essential steps can help with living separated from the opposing culture. In the world of today, if cultures applied these steps when having disagreements with other cultures there may not be as many disputes as there are today. Unfortunately, many cultures are clouded by their own pride to allow understanding and communication to happen with other cultures. Even though, it can teach cultures a better way of

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