Thesis Statement On Servicemen's Readjustment

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Thesis Statement: The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 helped World War II veterans adjust back into civilian life and prevent another depression.

The government has always tried to help but hasn’t always been successful in helping war veterans. As far back as 1639 the english colonies gave disabled soldiers pensions. In 1776 the Continental Congress created a bill to pay disabled Revolutionary war vets, but they had no authority so most vets never saw their pensions. By 1818 the Service Pension law expanded benefits to all military veterans. After the civil war the number of eligible veterans went from 80,000 to 1.7 million. The General Pension act of 1862 gave disabled vets benefits, which included those injured during peacetime. Many bills went back and forth on including just disabled vets or all veterans. The bill passed during World War I expanded benefits again. It provided rehabilitation and training for the disabled, provided life insurance, pensions and expanded hospitals and medical care. Even though, …show more content…

Hundreds of disabled vets were returning home from war with no money to live on and no training to get jobs. Thousands of vets had their papers destroyed in battle and couldn’t get benefits when they returned. The government agencies were unorganized and it took a long time for soldiers to get their benefits. The federal government decided that they needed to do something. They passed a piece of legislation called the Serviceman’s Readjustment Act of 1944. It is also known at the GI (government issue) bill. The bill finally gave war veterans a full benefits package. It gave all veterans money for tuition, books and living expenses to attend 2 or 4 year colleges. It also provided unemployment for up to 1 year. The bill also gave them low interest loans for homes, businesses or farms. The government had finally come up with a plan to help soldiers adjust back into civilian

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