Theme Of Survival In The Hunger Games

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Do you enjoy reading about how to survive? Do you like to see children kill each other? The book, called “Hunger Games” has all the elements of survival. It is the perfect amount of survival and murder. Survival is key in the Hunger Games. You mainly need water, food, and shelter.
Water is one of the main sources that you need in the Hunger Games. “I can go a long time. I know that from my days in the woods. But I will need water.”(Collins 150) In the Hunger Games if you don’t have water you will die. “I flip open the flap. What I want most, right at this moment, is water. Haymitch’s directive to immediately find water was not arbitrary. I won’t last long without it.”(Collins 152) Katniss’s first instinct is to look for water, which is key to her survival. Water is the essence of life, without water, it is the intendence of death. …show more content…

Katniss in district 12, as well as in the arena, had to hunt for food. If Katniss hadn’t broken the rules her family would probably be dead because of lack of food. In the arena, the only two food sources are the Cornucopia and the animals in the woods. She would’ve had to go to the Cornucopia for food if she didn’t know how to hunt. “Everything would be perfect if this really was a holiday, if all the day off meant was roaming the mountains with Gale, hunting for tonight’s supper.” (Collins 10) Katniss clearly states that she is hunting for their supper, like she has been for a long time. As you can see, food is important for

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