Theme Of Honesty In The Stranger

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The Stranger
BY: Albert Camus

LAP Topic #1
Written by: Jason Gutierrez

The fundamental ideals that contradict themselves never exist in their purest form. There is no true honesty. Truth is an illusion that appears perfect in one lense but corrupt in another. One man's principle morals is his truth but to another man it may be a lie or a truth he wishes not to uncover. Often times, truth and honesty are mixed together to have a similar meaning. However, these two fundamentals have a significant gap that differentiates between their roles in the novel “The Stranger” by Albert Camus. We see many illustrations in the text of how both truth and honesty have apparent roles that not only define one another but also provide in depth insight …show more content…

Those with honesty uncover the truth that is in many cases cast aside to protect their childlike minds. One man who definitely had honesty without a doubt was Meursault. However, isn’t it mind boggling to interpret it as a way that he did not know truth? It’s a very strange diversion of whether he had both truth and honesty. In the text it states (120,Camus) “He wasn’t even sure he was alive because he was living like a dead man.” Meursault had a distinct mind to those around him. He is emotionally diverged from the rest of the world. He holds no emotional attachment to anyone or anything that would normally be significant to others. He could arguably be considered a dead man for he had no attachment and really no reason to be alive. One thing was for certain, Meursault had no filter, no boundaries, no lies when he spoke his words. Honesty to him is his lifestyle. He knows no other way to live even if it means he is a walking dead …show more content…

They do have their similarities but it is necessary to know that truth is fact and that honesty is what you believe is the truth. Truth and honesty is not a part of the stranger… for it is the stranger. Afterall, the stranger is Meursault. He is distant to the world. A stranger to everyone. The trial that Meursault had to fight in was in itself an illustration of how one man’s truth is another’s lie. Two viewpoint that contradict because of different mentalities. During the trial we see a very important part in the text which states (90,Camus) “ And my lawyer, rolling up one of his sleeves, said with finality, "Here we have a perfect reflection of this entire trial: everything is true and nothing is true!" These words spoken by the lawyer basically showered us with the eulogy of the book itself. The lawyer's honesty showed the truth that was not clear until that certain

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