Thematic Essay On Hinduism And Islam

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Hinduism is the oldest religion, and Islam is the fastest growing religion. Hinduism believes in Kharma, Dharma, and Moksha. Islam was founded by Muhammad in 622 A.D. You may think that Hinduism and Islam have nothing in common, but they have some things in common.

Hinduism wasn’t started the same way as Islam, but it doesn’t mean they don't have things in common. Hinduism started out as a philosophy, but then it turned into a religion. This religion was turned into one before 2,000 B.C. Today in this religion there are over 900 million adherents worldwide. These adherents follow the sacred text of this religion. These texts are Vedas and Upanishads. The Vedas is the most ancient religious text, and the Upanishads is when you sit and learn with your teacher. Kharma, Dharma, and Moksha, is what Hindus believe in. Kharma stands for the belief of a person's experience that affects his or her actions. Dharma stands for the moral balance of all things. Moksha is like heaven for Hindus. It is a goal for you to make it to Moksha. …show more content…

by Muhammad. There one god in this religion is Allah. Allah is like the God in Christianity. If you look at an Arabic Bible you will see that Allah replaces the word God every time. The afterlife of Islam is Heaven and Hell. In heaven it has been imagined of 2 gardens, filled with abundance. Each garden has spreading branches, 2 water springs, and 2 kinds of every fruit. The image of Hell is heat and suffering. Hell burns with great fury and rage and nearly bursts. This is surrounded by scolding water, and when the fire begins to abate, it increases them to

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