Theistic Evolution

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Theistic evolution is the belief in evolution, the gradual development of something from a simple to more complex form, while still believing in the story of creation as told in the first two chapters of Genesis in the Bible. Most theists, that are traditional Christians, believe in a six day, with twenty four hours in each day, creation of the earth and everything that inhabits it is literally translated from the bible and that earth is six thousand years old or less. Scientific research, that has been tested and proven over time, would have us believe that earth is billions of years old and the universe is possibly much older. The main objective of this paper is to explain the first six days of earth, verse by verse through the book of Genesis and using current scientific thoughts, how both scientific theory and biblical scripture can work together towards one conclusion.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1) Most Christians and scientists believe that there are moral laws that govern human nature – that people inherently know what is good or what is bad. An example is that people across the world of all races and religions will tend to agree that we should be considerate of other people, not steal from, or kill each other. This sets us apart from animals. An animal will kill and do anything to survive without regard for law or morals. What then is behind this law? Who or what set the universe in motion with a purpose and with laws both scientific and moral? Evolutionist and Christians alike very often agree that the universe has to be set in motion by something. The great philosopher C.S. Lewis, who was once an atheist and had set out to disprove a creator on the basis of logical argum...

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...morning were the fourth day. This verse would seem to suggest that the skies had cleared sufficiently enough for the sun, moon and stars to be visible and for there to be on order for night and day as stated, “As signs to mark seasons and day and years.” That the concept of a twenty-four day doesn’t appear until day four of creation would help to support the idea that these verses describe longer periods of time in describing a day (Boice 77). Famous theologian James Orr agrees with this, “It is at least difficult to suppose that only ordinary days of twenty-four hours are intended, in view of the writer’s express statement that such days did not commence, till the fourth stage of creation, as to believe that they are symbols. (Orr 346).” Nowhere in these verses does it suggest that any heavenly bodies were created, this was already done in Genesis 1:1.

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