J. C. R. Licklider: The World Connect

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The World Connected

Born in the mind of an MIT professor in the early years of the 1960's, "the internet-or net, for short"(Jonscher,154)-has been maintained as the information-technology center throughout the closing of the twentieth century connecting people and ideas throughout the world in little more than the stroke of a key and faster than the blink of an eye . Imagine the possibility of transferring one bank account to another with the click of a mouse-from New York to Hong Kong, or buying a car or even a house off a computer screen, or talking to a long-forgotten aunt on the other side of the globe for hours upon hours at zero cents a minute, or, especially, the unimaginable possibility of delivering a message to everyone in the world, one person at a time and as fast as that message can be forwarded: these were the dreams of J.C.R. Licklider; the dreams that became reality (Jonscher, 154). In 1966, just four years after the origination of the first idea, Licklider's dream of the Internet was adopted by Larry Roberts, project …show more content…

Despite the incredible accessibility to virtually all things in demand, the Internet mostly prospered as, and was still primarily a tool for, scholars and government contractors until well into the early 1990's.(Krol, E., & Freguson, P., 253) In mid-January of 1996, just thirty years after the first ideas were spawned, the New York Times officially went on-line, making it possible for readers to get the news almost immediately after it was printed, the night before it hit the stands(NY Times,special section). People could now read the local newspaper from anywhere in the world in the great ease of smooth scrolling text, and without having to even leave the comfort of their own homes for so little as to buy

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