Watch Your Back, Caesar

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Julius Caesar is a play by William Shakespeare that takes place in Rome around 44 B.C. It is a play about the tragic and unfair death of Julius Caesar, which causes Rome to spiral into a civil war. Caesar received many warnings of his death, but was convinced to ignore them by the conspirators that he thought were his friends. How are the missed messages and signs important to the development of the plot of this play? In the first two acts foreshadowing of Julius Caesar’s death is shown in many ways. Some of the messages, and signs that Caesar missed in this play were Calpurnia’s dream, a huge thunderstorm, and a soothsayer that gives him a strange warning.
In the beginning of Julius Caesar, a soothsayer warns Caesar that he should “ ’Beware the Ides of March’ ” (Julius Caesar. I. ii. 21 and 28). The Ides of March refers to March 15, so this quote is telling Caesar to be careful on March 15. Caesar thinks nothing of this, and says to Brutus “ ‘He is a dreamer. Let us leave him. Pass.’ “(Julius Caesar. I. ii. 29). This quote meant that the Caesar did not believe the soothsayer, an...

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