The Whiz Kid Analysis

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In the exposition we’re introduced to Melody, a disabled person. She goes through a number of problems including, trying to be like the “normal” kids, trying to make people understand her, and living without the use of her limbs and others. She enters a program that allows her to “interact” with students from the “normal” classes. Melody learns about a team called, “Whiz Kid” A team that competes against other schools using a series of high-leveled questions. Molly and Claire make fun of Melody constantly even when she makes it, but the climax comes in where the flight to the final competition is canceled and Melody can’t make it. She’s informed that she was left behind and went early, making Melody upset. She still goes to school to ask …show more content…

The problem was that Mrs.Billups only assumed what the kids liked and didn’t like. She didn’t really try to understand them. And Melody just couldn’t take it anymore so she caused a racket. (Page 54 Then Maria, who is always inna good mood, started throwing crayons. Willy began to babble. And I bellowed…) Thankfully, her mom stepped in and tried to make Mrs.Billups understand. (Page 58 …”Well I think that’s what happened to Melody. She said herself, ‘If I have to go over those letters one more time, I’ll just scream.’ So she did…) This didn’t exactly (From Mrs.Billups point of view) solve the problem, but it ended peacefully because Mrs.Billups still didn’t fully understand and she eventually quit her job. Leaving Melody and her classmates very …show more content…

Melody’s problems are very similar to mine and other’s, not fitting in, bullies, speaking to others (Us “normal” people have more freedom toward that), and countless more. She’s very similar to me and everyone else, but she just has more to deal with, with her disability. I was very surprised by the ending when Melody didn’t make it to the final competition. I felt bad that Melody was treated that way and she wasn’t even told by her friends that they left early. It was a very touching book. It made me think more about others and what they are going through. I learned that we’re all so alike, but we treat each other differently. I just wonder why we do so. I enjoyed the book very

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