The Victims Of The Holocaust: Maus By Anne Frank

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“ It has been said, ‘time heals all wounds’. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

The Holocaust was the persecution of Jewish individuals from January 30th, 1933 to May 8th, 1945. During this time, a documented 6 million Jews were killed. This was all organized by Adolf Hitler and his cabinet of convicts. Literature can help us honor and remember the victims of the Holocaust. Pieces like, Anne Frank’s Diary, help us honor the victims who went through similar situations to Anne’s or the exact same situation Anne went through. A man named Elie Wiesel wrote and presented a speech reflecting upon the victims of the Holocaust. A graphic novel called, Maus , visually represents what happened to a couple during the Holocaust. Anne Frank’s Diary reflects upon Anne’s emotions during the Holocaust, helping the audience connect to the way she felt during her hard times. In Anne’s Diary, she confesses her feelings about life during hiding. “ So much has happened, it is just as if the whole world …show more content…

He was presented the prize for his commitment to serving people around the world who have been persecuted, or currently face persecution. Elie conducted his acceptance speech with both remembrance and sorrow. Elie Wiesel reflects upon his past within his speech. “ I remember, it happened yesterday or eternities ago. A young Jewish boy discovered the kingdom of night.” ( Wiesel , ) . This quote helps readers honor and remember those who suffered in the Holocaust because it makes them think, “ What if that was me? “. The quotes does this by bringing the reader back to what Elie went through and having the reader think about what Elie went through. There’s Anne and Elie with there moving words, but there’s also Spiegelman with his moving

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