The Unsympathetic Character Of Aunt Loma In Cold Sassy Tree

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The dictionary defines unsympathetic as not showing, feeling, or expressing sympathy. Knowing the definition I believe the author has failed in making Aunt Loma unsympathetic. In my opinion Aunt Loma was more unhappy with her father's decision than unsympathetic. In the book “Cold Sassy Tree” the character Aunt Loma was just as sympathetic as everyone else in cold sassy when her, much loved, mother passed away. When Aunt Lomas father decided to remarry before her own mother was “cold in the grave” she was awfully upset! Not only did Aunt Loma dislike her father’s timing but she also disliked the women he was soon to marry. In my honest opinion Aunt Loma was only unhappy or mad throughout the book so far, so i believe the author failed to make

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