Why Is The Titanic The Unsinkable Ship

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I can still vividly reminisce about her. Titanic, ‘The Unsinkable Ship.’ 97 years ago she stood at the docks avidly awaiting her apprehensive passengers to board. After three years in construction, starting on March 31st 1909, the $400,000,000, 11 storeys high, glossy black ship set sail. 2,228 people were on board; 1,343 people were passengers and the other 885 were crew members. Little did they know that less than half of those deprived, vulnerable souls would arrive in America alive, and the vast majority would never see their loved and cherished ones again. Thousands of men, women and children piled on to the ship: families by families, friends by friends and couples by couples. They were exhilarated that they were now on the …show more content…

People were bewildered, they just wanted to survive. Message signals weren’t sent across me but no one replied or came to help them. People jumped and swam but froze almost immediately. I watched as the waves engulfed people like they were a treasure to digest. It was unbearable to watch I just wanted cry. I couldn’t handle being an onlooker as countless people died. It was sickening. I heard it loud and clear the last song those joyful, brave, spirited young men played ‘Nearer, My God, To Thee’, which became my all-time favourite song, and it marked the climax of this ordeal. They were giving people sounds of …show more content…

It was as if she was being drowned. All 20 boats left the titanic but many people were left on the ship as the salty water splashed on their bodies and the prayers of all the hopeless got louder and as the ship was slowly tilted vertically. There were black outs and that made the atmosphere deteriorate. They were in a lose lose situation because if they jumped they were without a doubt going to freeze and if they stayed on the boat they would drown and die. I don’t know why but I felt guilty for what was happening before me as I feel I could have done more to help them, to help more people survive. The deck creaked apart and the centre of the deck caught alight and bodies burnt. The people in the lifeboats watched on in awe from the distance not knowing if their most loved ones just caught on fire or if they were safe. The lower part on the deck disappeared into the water. People attempted to run to the top of the deck but failed in their path and slide down onto large objects. There was a priest praying over people but him and many other went straight into funnels and other objects. It was daunting and unbelievable to view. The boat was now exactly vertical and then went plummeting down into the water. 2:45AM on the morning of April 15th 1912 the Titanic vanished. Everyone disappeared! The unsinkable had been

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